5 Simple Tips to Reduce Indoor Humidity

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think about humidity very often. But if you’re experiencing problems with indoor humidity, it’s something that you should definitely take note of! Too much humidity can cause a number of problems in your home, from respiratory issues to condensation on windows and mold growth. Luckily, reducing indoor humidity is a fairly easy process. Let’s get started!

5 Simple Tips to Reduce Indoor Humidity

How to Tell If Your Home Is Too Humid

The first step in reducing indoor humidity is to figure out whether or not your home has a problem with too much moisture. There are a few tell-tale signs that you can look for, including:

  • Condensation on windows or other surfaces
  • Musty odors
  • Visible mold growth

If you notice any of these signs in your home, you likely have a problem with indoor humidity. The next step is to reduce the amount of moisture in the air.

Effective Tips for Reducing Indoor Humidity

Once you’ve determined that your home has a humidity problem, it’s time to take action to reduce the amount of moisture in the air. Here are 5 simple tips to get you started:

Get a Dehumidifier or Air Conditioner

Air conditioners and dehumidifiers are great for reducing indoor humidity levels. If you have an air conditioner, be sure to use it regularly during the summer months. Dehumidifiers work by removing moisture from the air, which can help lower the overall humidity level in your home.

Improve Your Ventilation 

Another way to reduce indoor humidity is to improve the ventilation in your home. This can be done by opening doors and windows on a regular basis to let fresh air in. You may also want to consider installing an exhaust fan in your kitchen and bathroom, as these areas tend to be the most humid.

Fix Leaks and Drips

Leaky pipes and drippy faucets can also contribute to indoor humidity, so it’s important to fix any leaks as soon as possible. Even a small drip can add a lot of moisture to the air, so it’s best to nip the problem in the bud before it becomes too big.

Watch for Condensation

One way to tell if your home is too humid is to look for condensation on windows and other surfaces. If you see water droplets forming, that’s a sure sign that the air is too moist. This can be remedied by opening doors and windows to let some of the moisture out.

Have the Right House Plants

House plants add an aesthetic appeal to our surroundings, but they also release moisture and can significantly increase house dampness. If you have a lot of house plants, removing some will help improve humidity levels in your home. On the other hand, some plants help reduce humidity. Plants such as Lilac, Peace lily, Boston fern and Spider plant don’t need frequent watering and absorb moisture.

Reducing indoor humidity is quite easy, and by following the five tips we’ve provided, you can get started right away. If you’re experiencing high humidity levels, it’s important to take action before the problem worsens. At Texas Air Tech, we work hard every day to be the best Heating and Air conditioning company in the DFW area. Contact us today for great services and insightful information.